July favourites – Book – “The Miniaturist” by Jessie Burton

Although I am yet to finish this book (or even get halfway through for that matter) I can already tell it is brilliant. My lack of progression in this story is due to lack of time, and is certainly not a reflection on my interest in the book.

The blurb talks of a dollhouse and unexplained occurrences surrounding this item – a plot line which sounds both interesting and creepy at the same time. Whilst other books over-do the dramatics with a scary plot, the blurb of “The Miniaturist” simply talks of “escalating dangers” and being “mystified” by the sequence of events.

This story is gripping and has left me  searching for any moment when I can sit down and read. I highly recommend this book (or at least the first third). Already I have fallen in love with Jessie Burton’s almost poetic style, and in doing so have found myself lost in 1686 Amsterdam – the location of which the book is set.


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