Film review – Pride

Hi everyone!

I went to see Pride at the cinema a couple of months ago and was completely blown away. It is such a beautiful film – heartwarming, funny, and really inspiring.

Admittedly, when I read reviews talking of how it is “a film for everyone” and “enjoyable for all ages” prior to seeing it, I was a little skeptical. It seems to me that many films “for everyone” are just about tolerable to all age groups, but appealing to none, however Pride could not have been more different. I initially saw it with my parents who loved it, and then dragged my initially reluctant friends along to see it with me who all left the cinema talking about it and did not stop for the best part of the week!

“Pride” tells a true story set in 1984 of gay activists helping Welsh minors during the strikes, and they keep it truthful,  even down to the characters which are based directly on the real people involved. It does not get overly sentimental at any points however, instead keeping the feeling of optimism throughout.

This film went straight into my top 5 despite the genre not being my normal choice, so if you get the chance, watch this film. It is brilliant and I honestly cannot fault it:  Matthew Warchus’ directing, Stephen Beresford’s writing, and the entire cast’s acting – all incredible. 

For the first time in years, I witnessed the whole audience at my small local cinema applaud at the end of this film. Pride undoubtedly deserves all the good reviews it has received – the best film I have seen this year.

July favourites – Film – Notting Hill – written by Richard Curtis, directed by Roger Michell

To me, “Notting Hill” is a must watch to all. I haven’t chosen it to be in my July favourites because I have only just discovered it, but instead because this month I have watched it yet another time and still love it as much as when I first saw it.

Yes, it is a rom-com, so yes, it does have slightly cliche “ahh” moments, however I do feel that this film stands out from others in its genre. For one, it isn’t overly cheesy. It is based on a fairly simple plot line, yet one that hasn’t been worn out, and this story is accompanied with interesting, lovable characters, each with their own collection of beautiful lines – one of my favourites being “I’m just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.” Another reason it stands out from others is the filming. Moments of this film include really imaginative camera angles or shots, for example a scene where William Thacker (played by Hugh Grant) is walking through Notting Hill market, and the passage of time is beautifully indicated through the gradual changes of season.

I was pleasantly surprised by how much I still liked this film when I watched it earlier in July. Being someone who can hardly stand anything overly cheesy or sentimental (even Disney films) I was convinced I would be forced to stop watching, but as I said, I loved it. I loved it when I first saw it, I love it now, and I honestly think it will always be one of my favourites.

I was going to include the trailer for “Notting Hill” in this post, however I cannot find one that seems to do it justice – they all seem overly cheesy, or include huge spoilers, so youtube it if you wish, but I would recommend just watching it!


July favourites

Hello again,

I have just returned from my holiday re-read my July favorites. Only now have I realised it was MUCH too long and had many other faults (sorry!), so I am going to delete it and try again. 

I have come to the conclusion that it would be best for me to divide my monthly favourites into sections so they wont be as long and you can just choose the section that interests you to read, e.g. if you only like films, just read the film one. 

So these following posts are my (slightly late) July favourites; I hope you enjoy reading them!

Film review – “Cabin In The Woods”

“Cabin In The Woods” is not the cliche horror film I expected it to be before watching; in fact it’s far from it. With over the top, comical gore, similar to that in “Shaun of the Dead”, it is surprisingly funny!

Although whilst watching you get slightly attached to the characters, it is nothing close to the extent at which you are forced to with the victim in a traditional horror film, meaning you can see the funny side of (often over dramatic) death within the plot. The whole concept of this film is unrealistic, but this is far from a criticism as it undoubtedly adds to the overall humour of it.

If you are searching for a spine chilling ghost story, “Cabin In The Woods” is not the right film, however this is not to say it isn’t worth watching. Being action packed, funny, and with only a few jump scares thrown in, it is a film to be enjoyed by even haters of the average horror film. 

Film review – “The Stag”

Despite what the title may suggest, this is not a ‘lads film’ similar to The Hangover, in fact, it is quite the opposite. The overall feel of the film is similar to that of a rom-com, however it is mainly based on the characters’ ‘bromance’ over their romance. Following a simple yet effective plot line, it includes just the right balance of Irish comedy, sadder moments, and character development which result in a really enjoyable watch! A great film with a heartwarming plot line dotted with brilliant Irish humour – highly recommend!