Film review – “Cabin In The Woods”

“Cabin In The Woods” is not the cliche horror film I expected it to be before watching; in fact it’s far from it. With over the top, comical gore, similar to that in “Shaun of the Dead”, it is surprisingly funny!

Although whilst watching you get slightly attached to the characters, it is nothing close to the extent at which you are forced to with the victim in a traditional horror film, meaning you can see the funny side of (often over dramatic) death within the plot. The whole concept of this film is unrealistic, but this is far from a criticism as it undoubtedly adds to the overall humour of it.

If you are searching for a spine chilling ghost story, “Cabin In The Woods” is not the right film, however this is not to say it isn’t worth watching. Being action packed, funny, and with only a few jump scares thrown in, it is a film to be enjoyed by even haters of the average horror film.