July favourites – Film – Notting Hill – written by Richard Curtis, directed by Roger Michell

To me, “Notting Hill” is a must watch to all. I haven’t chosen it to be in my July favourites because I have only just discovered it, but instead because this month I have watched it yet another time and still love it as much as when I first saw it.

Yes, it is a rom-com, so yes, it does have slightly cliche “ahh” moments, however I do feel that this film stands out from others in its genre. For one, it isn’t overly cheesy. It is based on a fairly simple plot line, yet one that hasn’t been worn out, and this story is accompanied with interesting, lovable characters, each with their own collection of beautiful lines – one of my favourites being “I’m just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.” Another reason it stands out from others is the filming. Moments of this film include really imaginative camera angles or shots, for example a scene where William Thacker (played by Hugh Grant) is walking through Notting Hill market, and the passage of time is beautifully indicated through the gradual changes of season.

I was pleasantly surprised by how much I still liked this film when I watched it earlier in July. Being someone who can hardly stand anything overly cheesy or sentimental (even Disney films) I was convinced I would be forced to stop watching, but as I said, I loved it. I loved it when I first saw it, I love it now, and I honestly think it will always be one of my favourites.

I was going to include the trailer for “Notting Hill” in this post, however I cannot find one that seems to do it justice – they all seem overly cheesy, or include huge spoilers, so youtube it if you wish, but I would recommend just watching it!